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IFK Monitor International 53

IFK Monitor International 53 - Pakistan after the elections: Between Geopolitics and Crisis Management

Pakistan after the elections: Between Geopolitics and Crisis Management

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Pakistan after the elections: Between Geopolitics and Crisis Management 4 Seiten / 226 KB PDF ansehen
4 Seiten (226 KB) PDF downloaden
4 Seiten (226 KB)


In 2019, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is in the midst of a geopolitical struggle between China, USA and Russia for power, influence, resources and regional stability. Domestically the country is confronted with security, economic and social problems. Under these circumstances general elections were held in July 2018, which Imran Khan won. He now has to face a multitude of challenges. The EU and its member states should review its relations with Pakistan‘s new government, show confidence and strengthen relations at all levels. Austria could also set a course in this respect.

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