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Montenegro’s NATO Membership - Regional and International Implications

Montenegro’s NATO Membership - Regional and International Implications - 33rd Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe”

33rd Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Montenegro’s NATO Membership - Regional and International Implications 142 Seiten / 1.45 MB PDF ansehen
142 Seiten (1.45 MB) PDF downloaden
142 Seiten (1.45 MB)
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Soon after regaining its independence on May 21 2006, Montenegro decided to take the Euro-Atlantic integration path. The country’s recent NATO membership could aid further European integration in the future. The current publication of the 33rd RSSEE SG workshop presents chances and impediments connected to Montenegro’s accession to NATO and explains related impacts for Montenegro in particular, and for the whole region in general. Power constellations and geopolitical trends that affect security developments in the Western Balkans are analysed from a national and international point of view.

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