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IFK Monitor International 57

IFK Monitor International 57 - New Technologies - New Impacts on International Missions of Austria?

New Technologies - New Impacts on International Missions of Austria?

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New Technologies - New Impacts on International Missions of Austria? 4 Seiten / 207 KB PDF ansehen
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4 Seiten (207 KB)


New technologies and "disruptive innovations” are influencing not only international politics and global economy, but also the strategies and operational toolkits of state and nonstate actors alike. Above all, they create new threats, but also opportunities for peace operations and humanitarian missions and have complex implications for Austrian and European stability. Technology-driven advances create the need to adapt to challenges and new rules of engagement on land, in the air, at sea and in cyber space. The question then arises: in which way can new technologies improve the ability of Austria and EU to operate in situations of conflict and fragility?

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