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Croatia‘s Upcoming EU Presidency - A Catalyst for South East Europe?

Croatia‘s Upcoming EU Presidency - A Catalyst for South East Europe? - 39th Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" - Policy Recommendations

39th Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" - Policy Recommendations

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Croatia‘s Upcoming EU Presidency - A Catalyst for South East Europe? 4 Seiten / 394 KB PDF ansehen
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4 Seiten (394 KB)


From January to July of 2020, Croatia holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), a milestone for the Union’s newest member state. It will not only be an opportunity for Croatia to infl uence decision-making in the EU, but an important learning experience for the country itself, which chairs the presidency for the fi rst time. This presidency will take place amid a Climate of Euroscepticism, enlargement fatigue, Brexit, complicated negotiations for the Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027), just to mention a few. The question is: how much Impact can a small member state like Croatia have on EU policy developments and in particular, how can it affect European Integration in South East Europe (SEE)?

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