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Summary: Network-Centric Warfare - A Small Country’s Approach

Helmut Habermayer

Network-Centric Warfare (NCW) is first and foremost a matter of force transformation, i.e. of further developing and introducing new combat-related capabilities, on the basis of new technologies. This is expected to give future armed forces a revolutionary edge over conventional forces and subversive threats. In addition, NCW will serve as a catalyst for interlacing the entire security-relevant state machinery. This overarching factor is one of the main reasons why even small states, like Austria, will have to meet the challenges posed by NCW.

NCW comprises the military dimension with its three components - strategy, operations, and tactics - and is primary a matter of inter-netting the intelligence services and incorporating their results into the command and control procedures, which is of key importance for Austria’s participation in multinational operations. The operational component is to facilitate the work of the network-connected operational command in a combined joint environment and guarantee interoperability in multinational operations. The tactical component should have highest priority for Austria. The declared aim of creating a brigade within the next few years that is operationally ready for foreign missions necessitates the creation of such network capabilities.

Furthermore, NCW comprises the national dimension, which is primarily a matter of inter-connecting the national institutions for the protection of the population and, in a second step, inter-netting the security policy on an international level, i.e. with the EU and NATO. The real challenge for the Austrian Armed Forces (AAF) is to go along with the international development and establish interoperability with the strategic environment at least to an extent that enables Austrian forces to participate in network-supported peace operations.

Concept NOVA (= Network-Centric Operational Procedures Austria) defines the capabilities the AAF need and correlates with the ongoing reform process. In concrete terms, the AAF will have to be able to apply or participate in the following new categories: - Concurrent Resources - Interoperability - Command and Control Superiority - Self-Synchronization - Speed of operations - Dominant maneuver - Precision engagement - Focused logistics - Full dimensional protection.

Further to that, it would be of great advantage for advancing network capabilities, if the AAF, aside from scientific and technological cooperation at home, could rely on strong strategic partners abroad, since a small force will hardly be able to develop all functional needs on its own. The AAF have to accept the current trends and follow along, unless they want to fall back. Austria will have to answer the question of what league of international forces it wants to be part of in the future.

The signals received from NATO and the EU clearly indicate that an adequate solidarity contribution cannot simply remain limited to the participation in peace support operations. If the AAF, as a nationally as well as internationally recognized organization is to survive, all efforts will have to be made to ensure their continued existence. This requires investments in education, research, development, strategic partnerships, and eventually permanent participation in international operations.

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