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English Summary

The European Armaments Industry - From World Market Leader to Lagging Competitor.

Up to World War I the European Armaments Industry had come to be world market leader. During the second half of World War II, however, the U.S. took over the top position in war-decisive armament systems.

Military Policy: A "New” European Security?

Military Protection of Cultural Property and Military Preservation of Cultural Heritage.

To ensure military protection of cultural property in Austria and abroad, solid training, the use of expert personnel and clear guidelines are called for.

Column: Stormy Times

Lieutenant General Guido Novak of Arienti

Novak of Arienti, who earned himself the Military Maria Theresian Service Medal at "Blood-drenched Elevation” 383 at Plava in 1915, was an Isonzo division commander and the last commandant of the Theresian Military Academy before the downfall of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

Focus: From the School of Signals to the Command Support School

School of Signals

The School of Signals is the training centre for leaders and career soldiers of the signal corps and for the Armed Forces’ signal elements.

CONRAD - The VHF Radio System of the Austrian Armed Forces

Communication is the most important command and control asset. In order to ensure it, the Austrian Armed Forces rely upon a modern radio system.

Information and Communication Technology Security and Information Security in the Austian Armed Forces

Passwords - the unattended access keys.

Psychology of Operations - the NATO Working Group

Expectations and their Impact on Operations Unfulfilled expectations may lead to disappointment, frustration, lack of motivation and, thus, to a deficient working attitude that is likely to cause mistakes. Contrary to civilian life, discipline and performance problems occuring in an operation may have decisive consequences.

The Austrian Armed Forces in Kosovo

The violent conflict between Serbs and Kosovo-Albanians, which escalated in 1989, was brought to an end with the deployment of a peacekeeping force. Since that year the Kosovo Force (KFOR) has been ensuring peace and stability in the region.

Assignment with the CJPOTF in Afghanistan

Psychological operations (PSYOPS) play an important role in asymmetric conflicts. Between 2002 and 2008, Austria formed part of the Combined Joint Psychological Operations Task Force (CJPOTF) of ISAF.

Psychology: Power and Abuse of Power

Hanging by a Thread

An Austrian EUFOR helicopter assists in avalanche rescue in the mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Military Museums: The Work of Schoenenbourg of the Maginot Line


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