Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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Summarised Table of Contents

  • Miscellaneous:

    • Iraq Before the Era Saddam Hussein - a Historic Retrospect - Wolfgang Etschmann
    • The 8th Cruisade - Middle East Geopolitics and Geostrategy after the Third Gulf War - Gerhard L. Fasching
    • The Development of Post War Iraq - Wilfried Aichinger
    • Explosive Dilemma: Iraq’s Neighbours in the Spring of 2003 - Karin Kneissl
    • NATO and the War Against Terrorism - Johannes Varwick
  • On Austria´s Defence Policy
  • International Report
  • International Review
  • Other journals
  • Book Reviews
  • Summaries

  • Ihre Meinung/your opinion/votre opinion: Ihre Meinung/your opinion/votre opinion

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