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Das Militärordinariat in Bosnien und Herzegowina

erschienen in der Publikation "Ethica 2012" (ISBN: 978-3-902761-16-3) - 28. September 2012

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Militaerseelsorge, Religion, Ethik, Bosnien Herzegowina, Wehrsystem, Wehrpflicht, Kirche


Tomo Vuksic, Military Bishop of Bosnia and Herzegovina, reports about the situation of military chaplaincy in his country, as laid down in the basic convention and the additional protocol to the convention between the Holy See and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These documents guarantee the Catholic Church the right to exercise military chaplaincy. In the Military Diocese there are nine active priests, among them two Franciscan monks. In the Armed Forces there are, in essence, three military pastoral organisations active: one on behalf of the Catholics, one on behalf of the Christian Orthodox, and the third one on behalf of the Muslim citizens.

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