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The Strategic Situation in Asia

erschienen in der Publikation "Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 2003" (ISBN: 3-8132-0813-3) - Dezember 2003

Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Asien, Asiatische Staaten, Nachfolge, Kalter Krieg, Politik, Sicherheitspolitik, Außenpolitik, Strategische Analyse


The Cold War produced two Koreas, two Chinas and two Vietnams. Now, with growing competition among major Asian players and the rise of regional powers, Asia could determine the new world order. This is especially so as Asia is home to more than half the global population and has the fastest-growing markets, the fastest-rising military expenditures, and the most dangerous trouble spots. Yet, there is no security architecture in place in Asia, and regional consultation mechanisms there are non-existent or weak. Asia faces two contradictory trends. On one side are territorial disputes, nuclear rivalries and increased military capabilities. On the other side is the rising Asian interdependence as a result of communications, trade and investment, technology and tourism. All the same, the continent is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism and already accounts for 75 percent of all terrorism casualties worldwide. In addition to the failed state of Afghanistan, Asia has three problematic nations in danger of failing - Pakistan, North Korea and Myanmar - which paradoxically are all client states of China, whose rising power is casting a growing shadow over the continent. If Chinese power continues to grow in a linear fashion, it will exacerbate the power disequilibrium in Asia.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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