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The Key Role of the Young Generation for the Consolidation of South East Europe

42nd Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group “Regional Stability in South East Europe”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
The Key Role of the Young Generation for the Consolidation of South East Europe 121 Seiten / 2.61 MB PDF ansehen
121 Seiten (2.61 MB) PDF downloaden
121 Seiten (2.61 MB)
The Young Generation in the Western Balkans: Demographic Perspective  
Short- and Long-Term Socio-Economic Challenges for the Young Generation in Southeast Europe  
Prospects for Political Change in Serbia and the Western Balkans: Challenges and Obstacles for Young Hopefuls  
Alternative Concepts vs Undemocratic and Clientelistic Governance Styles: The Struggle of the Young Politicians  
Gender as a Platform for Regional Cooperation  
Development Model for BiH’s Second Post-War Generation  
Situation of Youth in the Balkans and Youth Initiative for Human Rights: Kosovo’s Work  
UN Security Council’s Youth, Peace and Security Agenda: An Opportunity for the Meaningful Participation of Young Women and Men  
The Soft Power of Democratization and Political Ecology: Opportunities for the WB6 Young Hopefuls  


More than twenty years after the end of the war, the Western Balkans still face very difficult challenges and unresolved conflicts. Trust in the politicians who dominated after the war is low. Some of them are accused of kleptocracy, authoritarian behavior and the revival of nationalism.

Hopes are pinned on the younger generation, which is more likely to bring about democratic change and improve regional relations. However, these emigrate in ever greater numbers to Western Europe. The articles in this publication focus primarily on positive role models in the Western Balkans, but also on the obstacles the younger generation faces in bringing about positive change.

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