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Tomorrow′s Technology

Tomorrow′s Technology - A Double-Edged Sword

A Double-Edged Sword

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Tomorrow′s Technology - A Double-Edged Sword 303 Seiten / 2.22 MB PDF ansehen
303 Seiten (2.22 MB) PDF downloaden
303 Seiten (2.22 MB)
New Technologies Meet New Challenges: Converging Technologies and Emerging Risks in the 21st Century  
NBIC - Viewpoint of the Austrian Defence Technology Agency  
X-Events and the GNR Problem  
Security Risks of Converging Technologies in the Areas Bio-, Nano- and Information Security  
What is the ‘Sinister’ Potential of Nano-, Bio-, and Information Technology Products in the Year 2025?  
Pandemic and Bioterrorist Threats - Risk Assessment  
Emerging Security Challenges in Biology  
Artificial Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Systems: A Dangerous Mix?  
Multinational Robotic Wars -The Increasing Use of Unmanned Systems by State and Non-State Actors in Current and Future Conflict Zones  
Internet Use in Times of Change - Demand for Innovative Security Measures  
Session on Nanotechnology  
Nanomaterials Technology: Convergence between Nanotechnology and Materials Science and Engineering  
Converging Technologies and Emerging Risks - Future Challenges for the Security Sector  
The International Perspective  
The Multilateral Debate about Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems  
Converging Technologies and Emerging Risks: Council of Europe Perspectives  
Converging Technologies - A Topic for NATO?  
Complexity, Systemic Risks and Converging Technologies  
Conclusion and Final Considerations  


New technologies have always influenced societies. They have not only entailed advantages. Revolutionary technologies have been misused and, in this way, impacted means and methods used in armed conflict, thus changing strategies as well as tactics. Especially in the fields of nano- and biotechnology as well as robotics experts are expecting new upcoming technological developments that might influence threat scenarios.

Societies spearheading these developments will also play a leading part in global security policy. Competition has already started on a global level and will heat up in the future.

This book outlines future challenges regarding the technological complexity of the individual research areas of nano- and biotechnology and robotics.

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