Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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9 Beiträge gefunden

Verknüpfung der Suchbegriffe:


  1. Berufsethische Bildung der Evangelischen Militärseelsorge (aus der Publikation Der Soldat Nr. 4/2006)
  2. Civil-Military Coordination and Cooperation in the Context of the EU’s Crisis Management (aus der Publikation Info Aktuell 01/2008)
  3. Closing Remarks (aus der Publikation Peacekeeping Forces - Today and Tomorrow)
  4. Combating Human Trafficking in the Context of European Security - Interdisciplinary and Cross-sectoral Anti-trafficking Policies in South East Europe (aus der Publikation Trafficking in Persons in South East Europe - a Threat to Human Security)
  5. COMPARING THE COMPARISONS (aus der Publikation The Security Strategies of the Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia in the Context of the European Security Strategy)
  6. Conflict Prevention: the Use of Mediation and Facilitation in the Post-Agreement Phase (aus der Publikation Konfliktprävention zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit)
  7. Confronting the „Enemy Within" (aus der Publikation Zeitschriftenschau 07/2004)
  8. Converging or Conflicting Approaches to Rule of Law: Civilian and Military Actors in Afghanistan (aus der Publikation Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit am Beispiel Afghanistan. Civil-Military Interaction - Challenges and Chances)
  9. Cooperative Security - the Concept and its Application in South Eastern Europe (aus der Publikation Approaching or Avoiding Cooperative Security? - The Western Balkans in the Aftermath of the Kosovo Settlement Proposal and the Riga Summit)

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