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Summary: A Comprehensive Security Analysis

Klaus Zapotoctzky

Security in a comprehensive sense can only be achieved, if the needs of individuals, groups, and states are met in a humane, socially balanced, and in its totality sensible manner and if the interests of all are considered and realized in working together for the common good. All security framework conditions have to be seen as interconnecting, so that objective as well as subjective security needs have to be included in the analysis.

On the individual level new security thinking and security behavior are called for, which will require targeted awareness creation. On the level of groups and organizations concentrated and interconnected measures will be required in order to increase the importance of intrinsic value motivation. On the system level, finally, specific security mechanisms have to be developed which will lead to a collective security awareness of large parts of the population.

Within the international framework it is primarily a matter of maintaining European stability, Europeanizing security policy, cooperating with the US and Japan, maintaining one’s own social stability, and balancing out one’s interests with those of less developed countries. Further key aspects are the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, global armaments control, crisis and conflict management, and maintaining the capability of nuclear deterrence to defend against attacks and counter asymmetric warfare. Finally, global coexistence has to be stabilized by means of pursuing acceptable environmental and development policies.

For a future Austrian security policy European stability and controlled development processes are of central importance. In addition measures to prevent conflicts in border areas or neighboring regions from spilling over into Europe are essential. Establishing or renewing a working international order calls for a discussion of basic values, which thus far has not taken place for various reasons.

As security issues are interdependent, all developments must focus on the individual itself and the fight against poverty, so that the basic needs of all people are met, including human rights and basic freedoms. A fair distribution of resources and economic growth are further prerequisites for economic, technological, and social transformation. Austria would be well advised to take its chances within the development of a European security policy, as this would be of lasting economic advantage.

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