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Effects of the Conflicts in the South-Slavic-Albanian Area on Europe

erschienen in der Publikation "Security Political Dialogue 1999 (2/01)" (ISBN: 3-901328-57-2) - Juni 2001

Vollständiger Beitrag als PDF:  PDF ansehen PDF downloaden  17 Seiten (215 KB)
Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Balkan, Konflikt, Krise, Krisenanalyse, Krieg, Jugoslawien, Flüchtlinge, Flüchtlingspolitik


The South-Slavic-Albanian area, even three years after the signing of the Dayton agreement, is characterised by a multitude of order policy and ethnic conflicts and is, therefore, together with Russia and the Caucasus, also for the future among the most unstable regions of Europe. The conflict factors to be found in this area do not only make the political and economic consolidation of the whole south-eastern European area more difficult and prevent the initiation of economic integration processes in the Balkans but also show danger potentials for the stability of Central and Eastern Europe. Especially the escalation of the Kosovo conflict which led to the NATO military attacks against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999 represents the thus far biggest security policy challenge for a coalescing Europe. In the following, first a short overview of the most important conflict zones in the South-Slavic-Albanian area shall be provided. Subsequently, the regional effects of these conflict potentials on the neighbouring states will be presented. Then, in a third step, the effects of the Balkan conflicts on all of Europe will be analysed.

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