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Security Political Dialogue 1999 (2/01)

Sweden / Poland / Austria

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
The Effects of NATO and EU Enlargement 27 Seiten / 182 KB PDF ansehen
27 Seiten (182 KB) PDF downloaden
27 Seiten (182 KB)
The Consequences of NATO and EU Enlargement for Three Regions 9 Seiten / 128 KB PDF ansehen
9 Seiten (128 KB) PDF downloaden
9 Seiten (128 KB)
Will the United States Remain an Actor in European Security? 16 Seiten / 160 KB PDF ansehen
16 Seiten (160 KB) PDF downloaden
16 Seiten (160 KB)
Russia Towards Enlarging NATO 19 Seiten / 138 KB PDF ansehen
19 Seiten (138 KB) PDF downloaden
19 Seiten (138 KB)
Towards a Common European Policy on Security and Defence: Challenges for the "Post Neutrals". 12 Seiten / 144 KB PDF ansehen
12 Seiten (144 KB) PDF downloaden
12 Seiten (144 KB)
The Role of Germany in an Enlarging and an Enlarged Europe 20 Seiten / 161 KB PDF ansehen
20 Seiten (161 KB) PDF downloaden
20 Seiten (161 KB)
The Role and Position of Three Rimland States Ukraine, Belarus and Slovakia 29 Seiten / 226 KB PDF ansehen
29 Seiten (226 KB) PDF downloaden
29 Seiten (226 KB)
Effects of the Conflicts in the South-Slavic-Albanian Area on Europe 17 Seiten / 215 KB PDF ansehen
17 Seiten (215 KB) PDF downloaden
17 Seiten (215 KB)
Trilateral Project: European Security - National Interests, European Insterests 13 Seiten / 130 KB PDF ansehen
13 Seiten (130 KB) PDF downloaden
13 Seiten (130 KB)


Trilateral Project on European Security, founded in 1998 by representatives of the Polish Defence University, the Swedish Defence and the Austrian National Defence Academy and the Institute of Military Science and temporarily finalised in May 2001 in Vienna, was a continuation of a former successful bilateral research project by Sweden and Austria. This co-operation was enlarged through participation of Poland.

The main subject of the project was a comparative analysis of the security-political surroundings of the three countries. Within this, the different security-political national interests were considered. Thus, Sweden concentrated on the Baltic Region and Russia. Poland took responsibility for analysing the Central European security-political issues and Austria dealt with the development in South East Europe. Behind the geographical division was the idea to focus the individual research capacities of the participating Countries on specific core regions of interest. By this way, security-political issues could be analysed more intensively and partners could gain advantage from access to the others’ research results.

This publication represents a compilation of the research done by the participating institutions. Through its documentational character it strives at furthering the internal know-how of the participating institutions. The final results of the Trilateral Project on European Security will be published in a succeeding booklet including the May 2001 presentations on "National Interests within the Context of the Individual Security-political Surroundings". Additionally, a comparative analysis of these national positions will be included.

I would like to use the occasion to thank the conference participants and especially the authors for the effort they put into this project. Due to the high academic standards of the information exchange on the basis of a multilateral project, the partners expressed their will to continue the co-operation within the existing framework. Therefore, I welcome the idea developed at the last directors’ conference in Vienna to prolong the successful co-operation under the slightly modified title of "Multinational Project on European Security" for another three-year period. As with the present publication, I would like to express my hope for a further series of high-quality research results.

Director General HonProf. DDr. Erich REITER
Special Commissioner of Strategic Studies
In the Federal Ministry of Defence

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