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Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional and European Dimensions

Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional and European Dimensions - 6th Workshop of the Study Group

6th Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" - Proceedings

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Preface 7 Seiten / 26 KB PDF ansehen
7 Seiten (26 KB) PDF downloaden
7 Seiten (26 KB)
Drug Trafficking in SE Europe 11 Seiten / 25 KB PDF ansehen
11 Seiten (25 KB) PDF downloaden
11 Seiten (25 KB)
Smuggeling and Weapons Trafficking in SE Europe 4 Seiten / 16 KB PDF ansehen
4 Seiten (16 KB) PDF downloaden
4 Seiten (16 KB)
The Current Security Situation in Serbia 8 Seiten / 19 KB PDF ansehen
8 Seiten (19 KB) PDF downloaden
8 Seiten (19 KB)
Terrorism Violence and Organized Crime in Sandzak 7 Seiten / 24 KB PDF ansehen
7 Seiten (24 KB) PDF downloaden
7 Seiten (24 KB)
Organized Crime in Albania 10 Seiten / 31 KB PDF ansehen
10 Seiten (31 KB) PDF downloaden
10 Seiten (31 KB)
Human Smuggeling and Migration of Illegal Labor to Turkey 27 Seiten / 147 KB PDF ansehen
27 Seiten (147 KB) PDF downloaden
27 Seiten (147 KB)
Traffickin in Women and Children: Moldovia 5 Seiten / 17 KB PDF ansehen
5 Seiten (17 KB) PDF downloaden
5 Seiten (17 KB)
The Impact of Crime on the Regional Stabilisation in Southern Serbia and Kosovo 11 Seiten / 35 KB PDF ansehen
11 Seiten (35 KB) PDF downloaden
11 Seiten (35 KB)
A Grassroots Approach to Combatting Organized Crime - Kosovo 15 Seiten / 43 KB PDF ansehen
15 Seiten (43 KB) PDF downloaden
15 Seiten (43 KB)
Reflections on the Stability Pact Initiative to Fight Organized Crime 16 Seiten / 47 KB PDF ansehen
16 Seiten (47 KB) PDF downloaden
16 Seiten (47 KB)
Combatting Crime in Southeastern Europe 27 Seiten / 48 KB PDF ansehen
27 Seiten (48 KB) PDF downloaden
27 Seiten (48 KB)
Organized Crime as Threat to Democracy 6 Seiten / 22 KB PDF ansehen
6 Seiten (22 KB) PDF downloaden
6 Seiten (22 KB)
Contextualizing Criminality and Security in South East Europe 4 Seiten / 14 KB PDF ansehen
4 Seiten (14 KB) PDF downloaden
4 Seiten (14 KB)
Security Sector Reform as a Contribution to Crime Prevention in SEE 7 Seiten / 22 KB PDF ansehen
7 Seiten (22 KB) PDF downloaden
7 Seiten (22 KB)


CONTENTS Predrag Jurekoviæ and Frederic Labarre Preface PANEL I: South East Europe - Chief Exporter of Organized Crime in Europe - a Cliché? Types and Forms of Crime and Criminality.

Sebouh Baghdoyan Drug Trafficking in South East Europe Josef Nothdurfter Smuggling and Weapons Trafficking in South East Europe: the EUPM Experience PANEL II: Are Crime and Corruption Jeopardizing Political Reform and Democratisation in South East Europe? - Selected Country Studies Ivan Djordjevic The Current Security Situation in Serbia and the Aftermath of the Assassination of the Prime Minister Elvedina Omeroviæ Terrorism, Violence and Organized Crime in Sand¾ak Eno Trimcev Organized Crime in Albania: An Unconventional Security Threat Ayse Nilufer Narli Human Smuggling and Migration of Illegal Labour to Turkey Liubovi Revenko Trafficking in Women and Children: Moldova: Myths and Reality PANEL III: The Impact of Crime on the Regional Stabilization Processes in South East Europe Duska Anastasijevic The Impact of Crime on the Regional Stabilisation in Southern Serbia and Kosovo Tamara Duffey A Grassroots Approach to Combatting Organised Crime and Building Peace in South Eastern Europe: Opportunities for the Kosovo Police Service Sebastian von Münchow Some Reflections on the Stability Pact Initiative to Fight Organized Crime Dennis J.D. Sandole Combatting Crime in Southeastern Europe: An Integrated, Coordinated, Multilevel Approach PANEL IV: Opening Up Or Cordoning Off: The European Union and South East Europe - A Struggle Over Organised Crime Josip Kregar Organized Crime as a Threat to Democracy Henriette Riegler Contextualizing Criminality and Security in South East Europe Istvan Gyarmati Security Sector Reform as a Contribution to Crime Prevention in South East Europe

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