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IFK Monitor International 62

IFK Monitor International 62 - COVID-19: Challenges for european security and selected conflict regions

COVID-19: Challenges for european security and selected conflict regions

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
COVID-19: Challenges for european security and selected conflict regions 13 Seiten / 395 KB PDF ansehen
13 Seiten (395 KB) PDF downloaden
13 Seiten (395 KB)


Although the immediate crisis management of COVID-19 is currently in the foreground and the focus is on the epidemiological and economic effects, the security policy consequences of this pandemic must also be kept in mind, both at national and international level. Although they cannot be conclusively assessed yet, they are likely to be far-reaching and long-lasting. In an initial analysis of the situation in early April 2020, IFK experts seek to describe various scenarios, first trends and possible impacts of the pandemic on international crisis and conflict management in given regions.

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