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IFK Monitor International 68

IFK Monitor International 68 - Security Turnaround after Ukraine: Regional and Institutional Implications

Security Turnaround after Ukraine: Regional and Institutional Implications

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Security Turnaround after Ukraine: Regional and Institutional Implications 8 Seiten / 337 KB PDF ansehen
8 Seiten (337 KB) PDF downloaden
8 Seiten (337 KB)


The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine represents a turning point for European and Austrian security policy. It calls into question previously established paradigms of international security and international crisis and conflict management. A week after the start of the attack, it is still too early to make a final assessment. Nevertheless, some effects in the regions and security institutions relevant to Austria can already be discerned. Regardless of the actual outcome of the war, the following theses assume a fundamental paradigm shift in international relations.

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