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English Summary

Anniversaries in the Year of Commemorations

In addition to, and among, the key events of 1848, 1918, 1938, and 1968 there are also other remarkable events that happened in years ending with 8.

… From Brussels: NATO PfP is Turning 15, and NATO 60 - an Outlook

NATO PfP has clearly changed the security-political environment of Europe and will also play a relevant security-political role in the future.

Parliamentary AAF Complaints Board

In a soldiers‘ workshop, workgroups made up of German and Austrian soldiers elaborated papers on conscription, the attractiveness of national service, the citizen-in-uniform concept, and voluntary enlistment. The results are surprising.

Salzburg Military Band

Within the past 50 years, the military band of Mozart’s town distinguished itself as an embodiment of Austria throughout the international world of music.

The Munitions Defence Training Facility of the Engineers of Salzburg

The facility offers training possibilities for both specialists and all other soldiers to be deployed to crisis areas.

Eurofighter "Typhoon" (VI)

The multi-role combat aircraft Eurofighter "Typhoon" is in the position to assume various operational roles and can even change its assigned role in the course of an operation, also thanks to its broad range of weapons systems.

Airspace Surveillance Command

This unit is in charge of passive as well as active airspace surveillance and, thus, carries out the only permanent operational task within Austria.

Focus: Airspace Surveillance - Security in the Third Dimension

Linguistic Interoperability of the Austrian Armed Forces - Stocktaking and Analysis

The Austrian Armed Forces Language Institute supports all Austrian soldiers in their international tasks by helping them to acquire linguistic interoperability.

Staff NCO Training (I)

Staff NCO training is to enable NCOs to accomplish their tasks as platoon leaders or specialist NCOs, both within Austria and abroad.

Military Policy: The main Topics of 2009

Core Competences and Tactics Training

What are the Austrian Armed Forces‘ core competences and how do they reflect in tactics and tactics training?

Leading MNTF S

One year of intensive preparations preceded the taking over of the responsibility for the Multinational Task Force South in Kosovo by staff of the 4th Mechanised Infantry Brigade.

"Sandviper" Puch G Special Operations Vehicle

The "Sandviper" Puch G Special Operations Vehicle is based on the off-road truck Puch G 290GD, modified to suit the requirements of the Austrian Special Operations Forces in Central Africa. Modifications and adaptations were done in record time.

902 Weeks an One Day (I)

The Border Surveillance Assistance Operation (1990 - 2007) was the longest and most manpower-intensive operation of the Forces in the Second Republic. This article provides a retrospect.

Psychology: The Challenge of Chad


General News, Other Journals, Book Review, Feedback, Military English.

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