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English Summary

November 1918 - The End of the War and Its Consequences

The downfall of great empires as well as the birth of new multi-ethnic states, at the end of the war, influenced European history for decades.

Field Marshal Hermann Baron Kövess von Kövessháza

In 1916, his troops took the Lovcen mountain and, in 1917, they conquered Chernivtsy as well as most of the Bucovyna. In 1918, Kövess became the last commanding general in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

When Heat Gets under Your Skin

Fire and heat - inseparably linked to the employment of many weapon systems - are among the main dangers that soldiers face, also in "modern-day" conflicts.

Military Policy: 10 Years after St. Malo - An EU Success Story?

Carinthia Military Band

Although Carinthia’s Military Band is just one out of Austria’s nine military bands, it clearly distinguishes itself from the others.

Poor Marching Performance due to Grown-in Toe Nails

The cause of poor marching performance is not always poor stamina, but frequently it is grown-in toe nails.

Eurofighter "Typhoon" (VII)

Among other things, the up-to-date and highly effective airborne radar makes target acquisition beyond the pilot’s visual range possible. The Defence Aids Sub-System identifies the most diverse threats and has powerful means to counter them.

Staff NCO Training (II)

It is necessary to adapt the Staff NCO Course in order to meet the increased demands in the military environment and to live up to the requirement profile of a staff NCO.

The Air Support Command Presents Itself

The Air Support Command is a newly established brigade-sized unit of the Austrian Armed Forces. Subordinated to the Joint Forces Command, it operates the bulk of the aerial air support assets.

Focus: "Support in Higher Dimensions"

Air Support in the Austrian Armed Forces 2010

As part of the Austrian Armed Forces 2010 transformation process and guided by the principle of task-orientation, the air support system was restructured into two areas: air surveillance and air support.

Tactics Training

The principles of mission-type tactics and the tactical command and control procedures accompany the Austrian officer throughout his entire career. On the basis of the three-step principle of "present - assess - conclude" solution approaches to tactical problems are being developed.

Psychology: Psychology and Psychological Operations - PSYOPS

EUFOR/CHAD/CAR - PR Work and Communication

During operations at home and abroad, trained personnel is available to the media representatives on the ground. Aside from conducting this kind of media work, also internal communication has to be accomplished. In Chad the necessary structures for that have been established.

Close Protection Team (CPT) - Military Personal Protection in Kosovo

With taking over the command of the Multinational Task Force South in Kosovo it was also necessary to see to adequate personal protection for the commander. The Close Protection Team ensures that around the clock.

The Combat Camera Team (CCT) - The eyes and ears of the Multinational Task Force South in Kosovo

The term "Combat Camera Team" is well known to every KFOR soldier. But, who are these boys with their cameras and what is their mission?

902 Weeks and a Day (II)

In this longest and personnel-wise most intensive operation that Austrian soldiers ever conducted at home, logistics and infrastructure played a decisive role.


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