Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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English Summary

The German Navy (II)

Between 1956 and 1990 the German Navy primarily focused on nation and alliance defence within the framework of NATO. In 1990 crisis management and conflict prevention were added to its task spectrum.

Soldiers in High Mountain Regions (I) - The Beginning of Military Alpinism

The beginning of mountain warfare can be traced back to the 1878 campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Administrative Training for MoD Civil Personnel

The Federal Administrative Academy was closed down. Therefore, the ministries themselves are responsible for the administrative training of their personnel. Administrative training for highschool and university graduates in the Austrian Armed Forces is organised in modules.

What Europe is Made up of

Tolerance, freedom of press, and freedom of worship are part of the "European values”. But to what extent is Europe aware that these values are at the basis of the European identity?

International Affairs

Is the Middle East Going to Blow up?

Ahoj Sousede! (Hello Neighbour!)

Many soldiers of the Czech Republic have at least some rudimentary knowledge of German. This is, however, not the case the other way round. The Czech course for beginners is to change that.

International Practical Training

Practice orientation is one of the main guidelines of the Theresian Military Academy and practical training plays a substantial role in that concept.

Command Responsibility in an Operation - Also for Crimes Committed by Subordinates

Among other things, a commander can be held legally responsible if he, despite having had knowledge of and the opportunity to do so, failed to prevent soldiers under his direct control from committing crimes.


Exercises Abroad Supporting Bosnia on the Way into the European Union

Operation ALTHEA is the largest EU-led military operation. It is part of a comprehensive effort to offer Bosnia and Herzegovina the perspective of EU membership.

Military Policy

EU-Presidency: The Council of Ministers on the 15th of May - An Interim Review EU 2006 - Operations and Missions

Today the European Union is taking part in twelve operations and missions in Europe, Africa, the Middle-East and South-East Asia, covering various civilian and military activities.

"Bomb Job" Explosive Ordnance Disposal (III) - Operations

EOD experts tell about their operations abroad and the experiences they have made.

Land Under Water! - Another Flood-Assistance Operation of the Austrian Armed Forces

During this year’s massive floods in March soldiers of the Austrian Armed Forces once more provided protection and support - on the ground, in the water, but also in the air.


Are we treating our soldiers the way we should?

Evacuation with the Hercules Aircraft

Evacuation operations require comprehensive planning with regard to transport aircraft availability, type and extent of the operation, number of passengers and/or amount of freight, route, and personnel.

Drinking Water for Pakistan

The AFDRU (Austrian Forces Disaster Relief Unit) operation with two water purification plants in the earthquake area of Pakistan was internationally one of the most spectacular ones.


General News, Other Journals, Book Review, Feedback, Military English.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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