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English Summary

Environmental Protection with the Tank Track

Military exercises in military training areas are beneficial to the protection of species - as is barring extensive agricultural cultivation and tourism from training areas.

The Revolution of 1848 - Partition or Continuation of the Habsburg Empire

The Revolution of 1848 was not an uprising of the underprivileged. On the contrary: It was rather the well-to-do middle classes that wanted to have a say in politics and, partly, also national self-determination. This caused problems in a multinational state like Austria.

Commentary: Austria’s Ability and Readiness to Defend Itself in 1938

Why did the Austrian Armed Forces not fight the German Wehrmacht when it invaded Austria in 1938? If at least some shots had been fired on that occasion, Austria’s negotiating position after the end of World War II would have been better.

The Romanian Armed Forces: An Army with Punch

NATO and EU membership brought about major changes in the Romanian Armed Forces (Armata Românã). Today the armed forces are much smaller than in the era of the Warsaw Pact, but are supplied with increasingly up-to-date equipment.

International Affairs: Russia on its Road to Renewed Strength

The Tyrol Military Band

Its performances fill everyone with enthusiasm. This is the case with military personnel as well as the inhabitants of a remote municipality of the Province of Tyrol or 14,000 Swedish fans.

Warts: Confinement to Close Quarters Results in an increased Disposition to this Disease

Warts are benign outgrowths of the skin. They are usually not dangerous, hurt sometimes, but are almost always cosmetically irritating.

Military Policy: EU Operations: PR Work Is Called for

Eurofighter "Typhoon" (III) - Its Production, Exportation and Operation

Currently the production of 707 Eurofighter "Typhoon" aircraft is planned. On 2 July 2002 the Austrian government surprised with its decision to purchase the Eurofighter "Typhoon" as the successor of the Saab 35OE "Draken".

Focus: Acting with Foresight

4th Mechanised Infantry Brigade

The "Fourth" is one out of the two mechanised brigades of the Austrian Armed Forces.

Personnel Planning at the 4th Mechanised Infantry Brigade

The personnel planners of the "Fourth" work hard on harmonising the staff’s personal interests with the work requirements in the best possible way.

Task Force 18 - The Road to Full Operational Readiness

The first battalion of the Stand-by Forces for First Missions is operational: The 18th Infantry Battalion of St. Michael, Province of Styria, was tasked with manning and commanding the so-called Task Force 18.

Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback

What is it and which relevance does it have for Austria’s Stand-by Forces for First Missions?

The "Artillery Error Budget" Model (I)

This Article provides an analysis of the error components that influence the accuracy and performance of the artillery system.

"A Checkpoint Is Not Fired at after All!" - How should one act if this really happens?

This article gives insight in a well-tried standard procedure for platoon-size forces serving at a checkpoint.


18 October 2007 - the second part of the NATO PfP exercise series had begun: when the computer-based brigade-level command post exercise had been completed, the battalion entered the battlefield.

"EURO 08" - the Austrian Armed Forces Will Protect and Support

Airspace security above the locations of the European Football Championship 2008 will also be provided as well as numerous other services on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior and the locations.

Psychology: The Brigade Psychologist at the 4th Mechanised Infantry Brigade

Reconnaissance Offensive

For the first time land force and air force elements of the Austrian Armed Forces are developing common concepts in order to distinguish and identify persons and objects early and from a far distance.


General News, Other Journals, Book Review, Feedback.

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